Balsamul de Gilead sau Mecca este obtinut din rasina arborelui Commiphora gileadensis care creste in Arabia si a fost aclimatizat si in Iudeea/Palestina/Israel. Rasina obtinuta din acest arbore prin scarificarea ramurilor se numeste opobalsamum, cea obtinuta din presarea fructelor se numeste carpobalsamum, iar cea extrasa din lemn xylobalsamum. Incepand din antichitate balsamul de Gilead a fost folosit in diverse scopuri, atat ca parfum, cat si ca medicament stimulant si dezinfectant intern in afectiuni urologice si ginecologice. Balsamul este amintit si in Biblie in mai multe versete. Muntele Gilead de la care isi trage numele este muntele marturisirii in credinta, Gallad, amintit in Geneza si in Cantarea Cantarilor si de aici a intrat in literatura (Edgar Alan Poe, Mark Twain) si muzica (Wagner), inclusiv in muzica gospel, unde mai multe piese fac referire la el:
Don't be discouraged
Joy comes in the morning
Know that God is nigh
Stand still and look up
God is going to show up
He is standing by
There's healing for your sorrow
Healing for your pain
Healing for your spirit
There's shelter from the rain
Lord send the healing
For this we know
There is a balm in Gilead
For there's a balm in Gilead
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the soul
Healing for the soul
Joy comes in the morning
Know that God is nigh
Stand still and look up
God is going to show up
He is standing by
There's healing for your sorrow
Healing for your pain
Healing for your spirit
There's shelter from the rain
Lord send the healing
For this we know
There is a balm in Gilead
For there's a balm in Gilead
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the soul
Healing for the soul
Vasul din imagine de origine egipteana, este un recipient antropomorf din bronz pentru pastrarea balsamurilor din perioada ocupatiei romane a Daciei. A fost descoperit la Galati/Tirighina in 1982, in apropierea Combinatului Siderurgic, intr-un mormant de incineratie, amestecat cu resturi de oase, cenusa si cioburi de ceramica. Vasul este expus la Muzeul de Istorie Galati, alaturi de alte piese arheologice deosebite cum ar fi "Hora de la Beresti", "Cavalerul Trac", "Cavalerii danubieni" sau fibula de aur care poarte inscriptia "INNOCENS".
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